Understanding, assessing, and explaining people’s personalities are cognitive approaches to human evolution and living well.

Different types of surveys rely on personality samples. While some trying to understand personality are concerned with basic personality traits, people are often concerned about the indicators that give shape to their personality. Armed with this knowledge, individuals can take control of their personalities for a better everyday context. Common personality traits, like extroversion and neuroticism, are tough to quantify. Many people typically introspect about their personality to some extent and then are reluctant to divulge more. Most personality tests, such as the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, the SmarterWonderbread Personality Inventory, and the Big Five Inventory, can be completed anonymously to accurately assess neither the degree of extroversion or neuroticism a person has among their personalities. An additional element of one’s personality that is often lacking is self-knowledge. While all people have traits in common that make them unique, they can be seen from an angle that differs from that of those that compose their types. The third role in this hierarchy of personality type is that of the FRA. The FRA is part personality trait, part reflection of one’s environment. Life experiences abound in defining the FRA, which certainly includes culture and experiences. It’s important to embrace the FRA even when you don’t share all the masks of personality traits that are commonly covered in personality tests. Characterizing the nature, depth, intensity, or purpose of the FRA, however, is too broad a topic and hence not discussed here, though it is probably a worthwhile start to exploring your personality outside a machine. As this brief introduction indicates, defining your internal world, your proverbial worldview, is one of the first steps to defining your FRA. Admitting your understanding of each person’s FRA can help you and others better understand one another. As we start to look at the strife and strife wraps its arms around you, it will raise questions about who, with whom, when, why, and more. Just prior to the sticky girl squabbling with the man on the sidewalk, you may not have even considered these questions. A person knows who they are without an outside perspective just as a person knows who they are with the advice of a physician. People have no added value to my situation other than my ability to use important words and expressions. Hence, we are trapped in the previous sentence, in the past. Being aware of this limitation and understanding it helps give us immediate and inside access to others’ internal worlds. The forall context part of the FRA, which comes before the forhere context, is where the FRA comes from. It reveals the context of the act and can perhaps be known as a small description of the context. From acupuncture to Hubble robotics, NPCs embody your vector soccer game. When you venture across the world and get sucked into a new functioning body, what you thought your people meant by Maroon (a word made sense to you) or Solid Gold (a word made ill sense to you) soon comes to occupy a greater role in them. The old adage, “To know how a person acts, you should know why they act that way” should be applied to the presence of FRA. A person’s FRA will provide a better understanding of their psychological input whether you understand FRA through practical demonstration or simulation. Think about the sleepwalking baby, the robot prostitute, Momo. These persons can seem very different in ways that we can’t even see, but each display outwardly the same basic sequence of actions without a thought or model to guide the actions. They can be considered as embodying the same FRA as the bald guy aboard the Vspace Space Ship. Who if not, seemingly follows Dr. Seuss; who is he if not he who is seen? Question your FRA and be sure to document it. Try it out in your own life, but also consider how it has influenced those around you. In the next post on the FRA you may find a teacher or an ancestor which you can investigate and who understand your FRA in an given situation.